Posts Tagged ‘Mantelis’

Sorry seems to be the hardest word!

June 17, 2010

Amid the song and dance of famous “Wedding Party on a Battleship” – the AVEROF, you know… -, which became talk of the country, I forgot, or better say, I didn’t catch up with other important news and issues that affect crisis-suffering Greeks. You may have understood by now that one of my blogging hobbies is the corruption-related scandals of politicians,  bribes of state officials , tax evasions of famous singers.

Here is the point where I have to make a confession. It is much more spicy to do my research about the “Bold and Beautiful” of local High Society & Showbiz than to write about the “Old Boys” in local Politics  like Tsochatzopoulos,  Mantelis or even Vourloumis.

Blogging about the Greek VIPs turns my grey life into a colorful one: the pictures are joyful, the stories light, the heels high, the sand golden and the sea blue…  Even if the stories end up in political resignation (Gerekou) or insult history (Averof-Part).

Thus these stories/pictures have a didactic purpose as well: I can see how hair extensions can totally change my image, how extreme surgery can ruin my face, how shiny make up can potentially grant me a reduction by the local deli.  

On the contrary, blogging  about  Old Boys – broken men in their 70’s – appearing in their grey/blue business suits turn my grey life into black. They cause psychological harm, they trigger the ultimate depression. Not only in terms of colors.

These stories are depressing because these old boys have ‘sweetened’ their own life and  ‘kicked back’ mine. Because they are still walk around. Because they are still among us!!!

As Sir Elton John predicted years ago “Sorry seems to be the hardest word!”